Common Dates
- ranging from bright red to bright yellow
- November
- Tozeur and Kébili
- semi-dry dates
Common dates
The Common Date or variety “Alig” is one of the varieties of the abundant Tunisian palm grove. It is a soft date characterized by a savory taste. This date variety is cultivated in November.
Once sorted, the dates are conditioned, washed, hydrated and vacuum packed.
We offer a variety of common dates:
Once sorted, the dates are conditioned, washed, hydrated and vacuum packed.
We offer a variety of common dates:
Alig: It is a mellow date with abundant and tasty flesh
Khuat Alig: It is a date characterized by its elongated and fine shape. Its texture, color and taste are similar to those of the Alig variety.
Excellent quality and taste. Don't go by the looks. Its one of the best I have tasted recently. Go for it. It's different.
Ahmed said
Managing Director
‘’Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna alias quat enim veniam quis nostru exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip.’’
Rob Hunter
Managing Director
‘’Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna alias quat enim veniam quis nostru exercitation ullamco laboris nis aliquip.’’
Rob Hunter
Managing Director